Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Advertisers Reaching Consumers Through Music Interests

Did you know that 44% of Coldplay fans are more likely than average to be in the market for travel services? I didn't. Well I guess that explains why I'm so passionate about both; Coldplay (my absolute favorite band in this world) and traveling. This summer I spent three days in Chicago, where I went specifically for the music festival Lollapalooza. Coldplay was headlining the first night, I took this picture while enjoying the show side stage.

There's a new way that marketers are targeting consumers, and it's through their music interests. As a huge music fan, the statistic about Coldplay and traveling blew my mind! ToneFuse is using the latest technology software - ToneTargeting to estimate consumer ages, buying habits, genders, and hobbies. Millions of consumers search daily for song lyrics, artists bios, and other facts pertaining to their favorite music and artists. This software is found in about 100 music sites, where it matches the consumer's music interests to advertising brands who are interested targeting that specific group of consumers. It combines the musical data with behavior data, which they purchase. 

Most Internet advertisers use cookies to target the interests of consumers. ToneTargeting actually cross referenced all of their music data with third-party behavioral data, which gave them plenty of info on each and every music interest. Rather than analyzing cookie data, they base their information on what consumers are checking like Justin Beiber song lyrics (not that you need google to know what he's talking about - no offense to him, he's a cute kid). 

ToneFuse's technology is definitely unique among internet behavioral data search. I believe the president of EGC Group (ad agency) said it best: "This takes behavioral targeting to the next level". AGREED!


  1. Cookies are a really scary nowadays. Besides music they can track everything from books, to makeup to clothes. Tonefuse sounds like a great technology to track to the consumers and advertise the artists. I notice that music in CDs are not selling as much. The artists and musics need another way to advertise to the consumers sounds like a great way.

  2. I agree with you love coldplay! lol, I like you article and yes it is true this is taking behavioral targeting to another level, this is a clear example of how internet is hand in hand with technology, making a noticeable change in the marketing industry.
